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Case Studies

Increase email readership

and improve response with complex data tracking and analysis.

Employee Communication
Custom Charts and Reports

As with many organizations, internal email communication was growing at astounding rates due to sheer convenience, speed and cost-efficiency. But the company needed clearer insight into their readership demographics.

  • Understand which individuals, by region and job title, open internal corporate communications to ensure important messages are read in a timely manner.
  • Refine audience demographics and newsletter content so information is always highly relevant.

Using detailed charts and reports built into the Message Builder, a customized enterprise solution from EmailOpen, viewing and analyzing readership data is now available instantly, allowing content to be refined as needed.

  • Job title and employee location information are instantly and readily available, displayed within visually appealing charts, graphs and reports.
  • Real-time reports, fully synchronized with the company’s existing email system, allow filtering, printing and basic customization.
  • 20,000 email addresses are scheduled for daily synchronization and update.

With instant access to critical campaign readership statistics, administrators and managers can see and understand response trends.

  • Improved visibility: Detailed charts, graphs and reports offer immediate details on email open-rates within the company based on job title and region.
  • Exceptional control: Email content is instantly adjusted, with readership impact measured by group to drive optimal response and relevance.
  • Greater targeting: Response visibility helps the company more clearly define their actual audience and devise highly targeted content.
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